Lifestyle Tips to Healing the Gut

While there is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to gut healing there, are some core principles that you may consider. To begin the process of gut healing you need to look at your diet. The foods we consume have a huge impact on the integrity of our gut health.

1.       Foods high in sugar and salt and processed foods can impact our gut, as well as common inflammatory foods such as gluten and dairy and foods you are sensitive or intolerant to.

To begin with cut out the CRAP:

🍭 Sugar: chocolate, lollies, soft drinks (including sugar free, diet and zero sugar), etc

🍭 Processed Food: biscuits, chips, breads (especially white bread)

🍭 Additives

🍭 Preservatives

🍭 Alcohol

 🍭 Cigarettes

🍭 Foods you are intolerant or allergic to* All of these foods and substances contribute to inflammation build up in both the gut and the body and can lead to a Leaky Gut and/or other chronic illnesses.

*If you suspect you are allergic and/or intolerant to certain foods it may be beneficial to get tested. Contact me or your local naturopath for more information on food intolerance testing with a functional pathology lab.

 2.       Remove non-essential medications such as pain medications and PPIs (under the guidance of your medical professional). These medications can all have an impact on the integrity of the gut.

 3.       Look at your environmental toxins such as pesticides, cleaning products, produce and quality of meat. Try and use environmentally friendly and natural cleaning products and pesticides. There are so many homemade cleaning products available on the internet now, there is no need for harsh chemicals.

 4.       Where possible, eat organic or spray free fruit and vegetable and organic or grass fed, and hormone and antibiotic free, animal protein.

 5.       Stress; try to remove or limit the amount of stress in your life as it can also be a contributor to gut inflammation. If it is too hard to remove stress, then ensure you are making time for yourself every week to do the things that make you happy. Self Care is JUST as important as everything else when it comes to healing your gut.

 6.       Spend time in nature and get some sun. My integrated GP used to say to me "Sun is Life" and he is 100% correct! Spending time outdoors enjoying the sunshine and nature is healing for the soul and every part of the body.


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