Information contained in this site is for personal interest purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor medical care.  Elissa-Rae Cooper and Compleat Vitality accepts no legal liability as to the accuracy, or appropriateness of material contained on this website.  Mention of specific products or services do not constitute an endorsement of those products or services.  If you have specific health concerns, please contact your healthcare provider. You agree that if you are currently under treatment of a medical professional, you will continue to work directly and regularly with your primary care doctor or health care professional, who will manage your ongoing medical care. It is clearly understood that Elissa-Rae and Compleat Vitality is not a licensed doctor. Elissa-Rae Cooper and Compleat Vitality do not replace individual medical care in any way, but instead constitute a personal development opportunity, not the diagnosis and treatment of an illness. If you have a serious medical condition or medical emergency, do not delay in seeking medical advice from your doctor or nearest hospital emergency department. 

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