Tip’s for Boosting Your Metabolism

Now that Spring is here and the earth is quickly starting to heat up, I’ve been getting enquires about weight loss and metabolism, so I thought I would write this blog to outline some of my tips to boosting your metabolism for summer, in line with keeping a healthy gut for the up coming silly season. I know! It seems crazy to already be talking about Christmas but the reality is, it’s only just over 3 months away!!


1.       Have a glass of warm water with lemon juice upon wakening every morning.

Lemon’s contain high levels of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant which helps to protect your molecules from free radical damage, and Vitamin C is also necessary for the production of carnitine which is essential for metabolising fat in the body.

Lemon’s are also a good source of hesperidin which is another powerful antioxidant which is believed to increase a person’s metabolic rate. They are also very alkalising to the body. In today’s society a lot of our food is acidic due to its milling and processing phases. Creating a more alkalizing environment for your body may help improve;

😴    Sleep

💪    Physical energy

🕵️    Skin elasticity

💩   Digestion

🦠   Immunity


2.       Drink herbal tea’s with ginger and cook with ginger!

Ginger is a bitter’s herb which helps to get the digestive juices flowing in our gut. It is also an anti-inflammatory herb, a metabolic stimulant and can help with nausea, intestinal colic and flatulence.  Ginger is also a prokinetic herb which means that in the gut, it aids in the production of Serotonin, our happy neurotransmitter.


3.       80/20 Rule of Thumb

Eating a diet which consists of 80% fruit and vegetables and 20% Animal Protein helps to keep the body in a more alkaline state.

Consuming a diet which is 80% fruit and vegetables is also rich in fibre which is needed for the body to clean itself out of all the “crap”.


4.       Spend time in the sun!

Try to spend 15 minutes a day in the sun, exposing an area of skin that isn’t usually exposed. Vitamin D is essential for immune health but also, Sun is Life and will boost your energy if you are feeling low!


5.       Get some good restful sleep

Lately, lack of sleep and fatigue seem to be a big one for clients. Sleep is essential in recovery, stress reduction, weight loss and so much more!  Getting a good 6-8 hours (for an adult) a night will help give you more energy and will also help with the function of your metabolism. 


Some tools for getting a better night sleep are:

Aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day to ‘train’ your biological clock.

Reduce screen time before bed and if you have to use your phone or ipad make sure you convert the screen to ‘night mode’ in order to reduce your evening exposure to blue lights.

Ensure your bedroom is sleep-promoting with; reduced light, noise and a comfortable temperature.

Use aids less stimulating before bed such as reading a book or listening to meditation music while practicing deep breathing.

If you would like to know more about boosting your metabolism, weight loss, detoxification or boosting your energy, you can book online for a Free 15min Discovery Call or for a Consultation here.


Do You Activate Your Nuts?


Hello Spring!