Winter is here!

Hi Beautiful People,

Who else has felt the cold effects of winter the past couple of weeks? Currently I am sitting on my spare bed with Amalia asleep next to me with two blankets and my dressing gown over me to keep me warm at 1pm in the afternoon! Crazy!!

So as the cold weather comes we see alot more respiratory illnesses around. I’m currently getting over my first one for the year. With the cold dry weather my tracheomalacia always plays up, it results in part of the wall of my trachea “collapsing” which reduces my lung capacity, as a result I generally end up with a throat or chest infection. To make it worse, Amalia also had her first ever cold, so I manage to get a double whammy!

So what did I use for my personal treatment?

  1. Vitamin C, I was taking approx. 6g in total of vitamin C a day in divided doses. I didn’t start straight up on 6g/day, I increased my dosing every 2-3 days in order to avoid the bowel tolerance effects of vit C.

  2. Zinc, zinc is AMAZING for immune support, and zinc and vitamin C are literally best friends!

  3. Astragalus, this is an incredible immunomodulating herb which helps to boost up your immune system, Echinacea is also an incredible immunomodulating, anti-viral and anti-bacterial herb (which I’m unfortunately allergic to) but would be my herb of choice otherwise!

  4. Vitamin A, other being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A also helps with the mucus production.

  5. NAC, n-acetyl cysteine is an all time favourite of mine. It is beneficial for so many conditions on so many levels and immunity is definitely one of them.

  6. Probiotics, approximately 70% of our immune function begins in the gut so it is essential to ensure that the gut is healthy and has good gut microbiome support during illness.

  7. Bone Broth, everyone loves hot cup of soup on a cold winter morning and a hot cup of bone broth soup was exactly what the doctor ordered! Have a look in my freebies section to download my personal bone broth recipe.

  8. Sun! Because Sun is Life and the sun gives me so much energy!

Beat the winter flu this year and take care of yourself and your gut! If you would like some immune support book online for an acute consultation here.


The Compleat Gut Program


My Story